Golf Swing Mastery is a step-by-step, comprehensive  Learn - Train - Reinforce  development program setup in the optimal learning order to develop mastery of the Golf Swing In 30 Days or less!

Golf Swing Mastery consists of 20 - 30 minutes per day of watch and imitate programing. It has separate starting points for the beginner and for the more advanced player. It includes: The Short Game with practice routines and a GSM Golf Specific Gym Workout.

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More Details:  Anyone Can Learn!

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Call Gary - 630-728-4653

Watch these short videos describing GSM Features:

GSM - The Miracle Swing 

The Secret to Effortless Power 

The Magic Move to Consistent Accuracy 

The Fast Track System  

The One Day Miracle Swing

In Home Learning  

$10K Worth of Lessons   

GSM - Compared to Others

The 30 Day System   

 The Miracle Drill

Basic Instruction

Advanced Instruction 

Power Training 

Accuracy Training 

Faults and Fixes 

Short Game Mastery 

Golf Specific Gym Workout 

The Square Faced Hinge  

The Tripod-Base Reverse Turn 

DVD - Online